Improve the look and handling of your vehicle with a SELECT 4WD levelling kit. We customise these kits to suit your vehicle to ensure we achieve the correct height without compromising the ride quality.
This kit includes-
2 x Overland Suspension Twin Tube Gas Struts
2 x Lovells's Raised Height Front coils
*Upgrade option to include Overland Twin Tube Gas Rear Shocks
*Please note: We supply levelling kits due to customer demand. Under VSB14, it is illegal to level a vehicle in Australia. We accept no responsibility for defects or warnings issued as a result of fitting this levelling kit.
VSB 14, NCOP11- “Following the completion of modifications the vehicle attitude must remain as per original specifications – i.e. the original relationship between the front and rear suspension heights must not be changed and therefore the front and rear suspensions must be both raised by the same amount.”